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Difference Between Call Center and Contact Center

By May 3, 2024No Comments12 min read

While you’re looking for the best solutions to enhance your customer experience, you’ll come across call center outsourcing or contact center outsourcing as the best options. Before investing, it is important to know that these two services or terms are often used interchangeably but differ. Let’s explore the differences in detail to help you make the right decision for your business requirements. 

What is a call center?

A call center is a specialized department within a company that primarily handles customer interactions via phone calls. Its functions include providing customer support, boosting sales, collecting feedback, and conducting market research.

Outsourcing a call center involves hiring an external team of agents to manage customer support tasks, such as handling calls, conducting surveys, and other service-related operations. Whether located locally or offshore, this third-party team takes care of all necessary customer interactions on behalf of the company.

By outsourcing call center tasks, businesses can prioritize their core operations while still ensuring high-quality customer service delivered by experienced professionals. This approach allows companies to focus on activities like product development, marketing, and sales, leading to increased efficiency and service excellence.

What are the functions of a call center?

Maximizing sales opportunities

  • Qualification of leads: Agents verify the quality of leads before passing them to sales.
  • Closing deals: Agents utilize predictive analytics to customize offers and close sales.
  • Engaging returning customers: Agents contact existing customers with new offers based on previous purchases.

Improving client retention

  • Contacting existing customers to renew agreements.
  • Offering personalized deals and discounts to enhance loyalty.

Offering personalized service experience

  • Implementing call queuing and call recording for better service.
  • Utilizing call routing for efficient call handling.

Efficient utilization of resources

  • Optimizing processes with technology for increased productivity.
  • Implement clear metrics like average handling time (ATH) for improvement of agent performance.

Assisting with market research

  • Gathering insights from clients for market studies and product features verification.

Providing access to valuable insights

  • Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) with real-time dashboards.
  • Monitoring and improving client experience by analyzing call statistics and interactions.

Benefits of call center outsourcing

Lower Costs

Cost-effective solution compared to maintaining in-house call centers. Helps businesses save on staffing, training, and infrastructure costs.

Better Customer Experience

Access to customer service experts ensures prompt and efficient issue resolution.

Multilingual support and advanced technology enhance customer satisfaction.

Eliminate Staffing Issues

Outsourcing eliminates the need to manage staffing fluctuations and recruitment challenges.

Satisfied Customers

Efficient handling of customer inquiries leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Cost Savings

Outsourcing results in significant cost savings for businesses compared to in-house operations.


Scalable solutions allow for flexibility in adjusting resources based on demand fluctuations.

Promoting Brands

Outsourced call centers can effectively promote brands through personalized interactions.


Access to advanced technology enhances efficiency and service quality.

Easily Handle Overflow Call Volume

Outsourcing enables businesses to handle overflow call volume during peak periods without disruptions.

Experts and Quality Monitoring

Specialized expertise and quality monitoring ensure high-quality service delivery.

Focus on Core Competencies

Allows businesses to focus on core activities while outsourcing non-core activities.

Saving Resources

Outsourcing saves resources by freeing up internal manpower and infrastructure.


Scalable solutions adapt to changing business needs without compromising service quality.

Additional Services

Outsourcing providers offer additional services such as data analysis and multilingual support.

Enhanced Availability

24/7 support ensures enhanced availability for customers, leading to improved service accessibility.

What is a contact center?

A contact center comprises a team of agents responsible for managing incoming and outgoing customer communications through diverse channels like phone calls, emails, live chats, and social media. Their primary objective is to deliver effective customer support and foster strong relationships between customers and the business by integrating people, processes, and technology.

The technology utilized in contact centers ranges from traditional setups where agents handle phone calls exclusively to more advanced setups known as multichannel contact centers. These multichannel centers enable agents to handle customer interactions across various digital channels such as email, social media platforms, and phone calls.

In today’s digital age, customers communicate through various channels, underscoring the importance of offering support through different avenues. To meet this evolving demand, organizations must establish modern and adaptable contact centers capable of connecting with customers through their preferred communication channels, empowering agents to deliver their best performance.

What are the functions of a contact center?

Customer Communication Handling

  • Manage incoming and outgoing customer communications across various channels.
  • Channels include phone calls, email, live chats, social media interactions, and more.

Omnichannel Support

  • Provide support across multiple channels for a consistent customer experience.
  • Ensure seamless integration regardless of the channel customers choose.

Inbound and Outbound Transactions

  • Handle inbound transactions where customers reach out for support or inquiries.
  • Engage in outbound transactions for sales, surveys, appointment setting, etc.

Multichannel and Omnichannel Operations

  • Operate as multichannel centers, managing transactions from various digital channels.
  • Offer omnichannel support, providing agents with a holistic view of the customer journey.

Automation and AI Integration

  • Leverage automation and AI technologies to streamline processes.
  • Enhance efficiency and provide personalized customer experiences.
  • Features include self-service options, chatbots, and predictive analytics.

CRM Integration

  • Integrate with CRM systems to provide agents with comprehensive customer information.
  • Enable agents to offer more personalized and efficient service.

Call Routing and Advanced Routing

  • Utilize call routing techniques to direct incoming calls to appropriate agents or departments.
  • Based on predefined rules and caller inputs.

Quality Monitoring and Analytics

  • Monitor interaction quality through call recordings, customer feedback, and performance metrics.
  • Gain insights into customer behavior, agent performance, and overall contact center operations.

Workforce Management

  • Employ workforce management tools to forecast staffing requirements and schedule agents.
  • Optimize resource allocation to meet service level objectives and customer demands.

Continuous Improvement and Future Proofing

  • Focus on continuous improvement by adopting flexible technology solutions.
  • Stay updated on industry trends and align with business objectives.
  • Ensure scalability and adaptability for future needs.

Benefits of contact center outsourcing

Cost Efficiency

Outsourcing allows businesses to avoid infrastructure, technology upgrades, and hiring/training staff expenses.

Access to Specialized Expertise

Get access to skilled agents with expertise in managing customer interactions across multiple channels, enhancing service quality.


Adapt service levels to changing demand without investing in extra infrastructure or staff, which is particularly useful during peak periods.

Omnichannel Support

Omnichannel contact centers enable businesses to offer support through multiple channels like phone, email, chat, and social media, allowing customers to choose their preferred method of communication. 

24/7 Support

Many outsourced contact centers provide round-the-clock support, ensuring continuous availability to customers across different time zones to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Technological Advancements

Outsourced contact centers invest in advanced technologies for managing customer interactions, providing businesses access to cutting-edge tools without hefty upfront investments.

Quality Assurance and Performance Monitoring

They ensure quality and continuous improvement in customer service through robust monitoring and quality assurance processes.

Risk Mitigation

Outsourcing mitigates risks related to regulatory compliance and data security by leveraging partners’ expertise and implementing protective measures for customer data.

Call center vs. contact center: What’s the difference?

Channels Supported

Call Center: Primarily supports voice calls as the main communication channel.

Contact Center: Supports a variety of communication channels, including phone calls, 

SMS, email, and social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Customer Experience

Call Center: This often leads to disjointed customer experiences when customers use channels other than voice calls, as agents may need more visibility into interactions through unsupported channels.

Contact Center: Offers a more seamless and connected customer experience by allowing customers to interact through their preferred channels, ensuring consistency and continuity across all touchpoints.

Expansion Capabilities

Call Centers typically lack the flexibility to expand to other communication channels beyond voice calls, limiting adaptation to changing customer preferences.

Contact Center: Provides scalability and flexibility to integrate new channels such as SMS, email, and social media, enabling businesses to stay agile and responsive to evolving customer needs.

Automation and Workforce

Call Center: Focuses primarily on metrics related to call handling efficiency and agent performance in managing voice calls.

Contact Center: Requires more advanced automation and workforce capabilities to manage interactions across multiple channels, including automated responses, routing, and monitoring.

Suitable for High-Volume Interactions

Call Center: Effective for handling high volumes of incoming and outgoing voice calls.

Contact Center: Equally suitable for managing high volumes of interactions across diverse channels, offering flexibility to scale operations as needed.

Call Center or Contact Center: Which one should you choose?

Businesses should choose a call center when

  1. Focus is on managing call flows: If the primary concern is efficiently handling inbound and outbound phone calls, a call center is suitable.
  2. Customers mainly make phone calls: A call center is appropriate if most customer interactions occur via voice calls and there is minimal demand for other channels.
  3. Outbound calls are prioritized: If outbound communication, such as sales calls or telemarketing, takes precedence over inbound customer service, a call center may be preferred.

Businesses should choose a contact center when

  1. Customers use multiple digital channels: If customers prefer to communicate through email, live chat, social media, or video calls, a contact center is ideal for managing these diverse interactions.
  2. Cross-channel reporting is valued: A contact center offers superior reporting capabilities if comprehensive analytics across various communication channels are essential for gaining insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Scalability is a priority: If the business anticipates future expansion and the potential need to integrate additional communication channels beyond voice, a contact center provides the flexibility to accommodate these changes and scale accordingly.

Why choose a contact center for your business

Contact centers offer several advantages over traditional call centers, making them a more comprehensive solution for managing customer interactions. Here’s a breakdown of how contact centers outperform call centers and why Vsynergize AI contact centers could be considered the best solution:

Multichannel Support

Contact centers support many communication channels beyond voice calls, including email, live chat, social media, and SMS. This versatility allows customers to interact through their preferred channels, providing a more seamless and connected customer experience. In contrast, call centers primarily focus on voice calls, which can result in disjointed experiences for customers who prefer alternative channels.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Contact centers offer support across multiple channels to ensure consistent and personalized customer experiences. This capability aligns with the expectations of modern consumers who seek convenience and accessibility in their interactions with businesses. Integrating various channels enables contact centers to provide omnichannel support, catering to customers’ diverse needs and preferences.

Scalability and Flexibility

Contact centers are designed to adapt to evolving business requirements and customer demands. They offer scalability to accommodate fluctuations in call volume and integrate new communication channels as needed. This flexibility enables businesses to stay active and responsive in meeting evolving customer needs, whereas call centers may need help to expand beyond voice-centric operations.

Automation and Technology Integration

Contact centers leverage advanced automation and AI technologies to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver personalized customer experiences. Features like chatbots, self-service options, and predictive analytics empower agents to provide proactive support and anticipate customer needs. Additionally, integration with CRM systems ensures that agents can access comprehensive customer information, enabling them to offer more tailored solutions and support.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics

Contact centers provide robust reporting and analytics capabilities across all communication channels. This holistic view lets businesses gain insights into customer behavior, agent performance, and overall contact center operations. By analyzing key metrics and trends, organizations can identify areas for improvement, optimize resource allocation, and make data-driven decisions to enhance CX.


Given these advantages, the Vsynergize AI contact center is the right solution for optimizing your customer service operations. To improve efficiency and service quality, Vsynergize AI contact centers offer advanced AI-driven capabilities, such as intelligent routing, predictive analytics, and automated responses. Our expertise in managing multi channel interactions and comprehensive reporting and analytics can help you deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive long-term success.

Aishna Pathak

Hello, I’m Aishna, a content writer experienced in crafting compelling narratives for diverse B2B and B2C brands. With a passion for transforming complex ideas into engaging stories, I have had the pleasure of working with various businesses, helping them communicate their unique value propositions. My expertise lies in deciphering intricate technologies and industry trends and presenting them in a way that resonates with businesses and consumers alike. In digital content, I thrive on creating informative and captivating pieces that inspire, educate, and spark meaningful conversations.

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